Consider These 3 Things When Creating A Heavy-Duty Drainage System

20 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Are you thinking of starting a car wash facility? If your answer is yes, then you know that your car wash facility may be frequented by heavy automotive machinery. For this reason, choosing or creating a drainage system for such applications will require evaluating some factors. This is because a drainage system for the heavy-duty automotives may not be similar to your standard home drainage system. To help you, here are 3 important things you should consider when choosing a drainage system for your heavy-duty tasks.

Flow Rate

Regardless of the amount of traffic that your car wash facility has to handle, the drainage systems of many car wash facilities usually have an average or standard flow rate that they can handle. Find out this standard flow rate to help you ensure that your car wash will be able to handle the traffic of the vehicles coming to your facility.

However, this flow rate may be affected by car washing activities at your facility. For instance, if you will be using more water at your facility than a typical car wash, such as if you are offering high-pressure cleaning services, consider increasing the standard flow rate to reduce the amount of pressure on your drains while in operation, and minimise the risks of flooding and backups.

Slope of the Land

If the land has a natural slope, rainwater or drain water will move through your drainage channels easily because of gravity. For flat land, the water may simply pool in the channels, making it harder to drain away. To handle this issue, you can have a sloped channel dug before the drainage system is laid.


The grating that will be over your drainage system should be able to withstand the weight of vehicles that will drive over it. Therefore, consider choosing heavy steel grates that will tolerate the weight of the heavy vehicles.

Besides the strength of the grating, consider the ease of cleaning as well. Your grates will catch dirt and other debris while in operation. This means that as part of regular maintenance, you will need to remove them and clean them. Cleaning your grates shouldn't just involve hosing them down. For perfect results, they need to be cleaned on both sides, which means that you need to pay attention to the grates' accessibility, the locks, and the connectors when choosing a drainage system for your car wash.

For more information about draining systems, visit HYDRO CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS.
